English Language Development is a top priority at Pacific
Elementary School and teachers commit to providing English
learner students with a high quality program to enable them to
attain proficiency in English – developing the skills and
confidence in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
The CA ELD standards provide 3 stages of language acquisition and
is used in concert with the CA Common Core standards.
Pacific Elementary teachers are committed to high quality
teaching based on the Common Core Standards incorporating basic
literacy skills, research, writing, comprehension, listening
and speaking skills to prepare all students for college and
Teachers use a variety of resources, textbooks, and novels
throughout the year to meet the standards above.
Pacific teachers are committed to teaching mathematical
content in the context of real-world situations, using
mathematics to solve problems, and developing “habits of mind”
that foster mastery of mathematics content as well as
mathematical understanding focusing on contextual understanding
and critical reasoning skills.
These skills are necessary to prepare students for college
and careers and create productive citizens.
Pacific teachers are committed to providing a high-quality
science education that helps students develop an in-depth
understanding of content and develop key skills—communication,
collaboration, inquiry, problem solving, and flexibility—that
will serve them throughout their educational and professional
Pacific teachers and the Special Education department supports
families through the assessment, eligibility and provision of
specially designed academic instruction to assist students to
achieve their maximum potential. We offer a full continuum of
services for eligible students with special needs. Eligible
students receive specialized academic instruction and related
services to meet their unique needs as recommended in their
Individualized Education Program (IEP).
In collaboration with Soil Born Farms we have created an
urban agriculture and education project that empowers youth to
discover and participate in a local food system that encourages
healthy living, nurtures the environment and builds on the common
core standards
Students actively care for the school garden, harvest vegetables,
and use them to learn about nutrition, and build math and
literacy skills.
Our school district has recently deployed three additional
digital resources to students: Khan Academy (grades 7-12),
Code.org (all grades) and Open eBooks (all grades, Title I
schools only). Students will be able to log in to these resources
from any internet-connected device at home or school using their
district-provided account credentials or Clever badge. The
services are being deployed at no cost to the district.
To report your student’s absence, please complete this
webform or call the office at (916) 395-4670.
Read each option thoroughly and select the reason that best
describes your student’s absence. Please note that office staff
may call to verify as necessary.
Allow 1-2 school days for attendance to be processed.