Cras porta pharetra felis, ut gravida arcu pulvinar non.
Curabitur quis dolor vel sapien sodales consequat. Praesent
iaculis porttitor risus, vel blandit nisi blandit a. Nulla
blandit suscipit tortor eu vulputate. Donec convallis est
suscipit est porttitor eu scelerisque dolor bibendum. Mauris
tempus, velit ac tincidunt aliquet, sapien ipsum ultricies nisi,
eget fringilla ipsum neque quis massa. Quisque ac convallis erat.
After school, find two things to do that require math at home.
For 3rd graders: It could be as simple as counting out your
snacks, or something more complex like adding all the pillows in
your house.
For 4th graders: Do the same assignment, but include subtraction
somehow. All the pillows equal a total, but if you were to use a
few for a pillow fight, how many are left?
Write the math problems that represent your homework in your
notebook and bring to class tomorrow.
Students need to have this completed before the exam next
Tuesday, when they will be expected to answer questions related
to the concepts in this chapter. A worksheet is attached.
Due to budget cuts our class has no money to buy some need
materials for the students. If you can donate any of the items
below that would be really helpful! New, or gently used, welcome.
Your child has a math book, but there are also a lot of wonderful
resources online that can help make their math journey more
interesting. Check out a few of the links below.
To report your student’s absence, please complete this
webform or call the office at (916) 395-4670.
Read each option thoroughly and select the reason that best
describes your student’s absence. Please note that office staff
may call to verify as necessary.
Allow 1-2 school days for attendance to be processed.